Saturday, February 12, 2011

Car Sales Highest ever in Jan

According to figures released by the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (Siam), car sales started the New Year with a band, with total sales touching 184,332 units (up 26%) in January, the highest-ever number for a single month. This heats the previous all time high sales of 182,992 cars last October.Highest sales by companies like Maruti, Ford, Tata Motors and Toyota led the numbers. The rise in demand has been fueled in rising incomes and economic activity that gelled well with new model launches and comfortable interest rates.Also, the hike of petrol prices and commodity costs has affected the affordability...

Thursday, February 10, 2011



timor dohc 2000

                      di jual timor dohc tahun 2000 warna hijau metalik mesin body bagus,total                       uang muka 14.900.000 angsuran 1.565.000x35 bulan,banyak pilihan ada                       10 unit >>>>>>raja timor<<<<<<<<kami juga menyediakan pelayanan                       pembelian mobil merk lain dari luar anda pilih kami yang bayar dp mulai     ...

SSC Ultimate Aero

Top Speed: 256 mphHorsepower: 1183Torque: 1094lbsOn September 13th, 2007, the SSC Ultimate Aero broke the official top speed world record, traveling 256.18 mph down a closed section of a Washington State highway. Impressive, considering the Ultimate Aero’s engine is only a twin-turbo V8 - half the size and turbo count of the Veyron be...

mercedes amg

Mercedes SLS AMGMercedes AMG W197 ...



Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Godzilla that rocked the scene -Nissan GTR

The Japanese supercar that dominated the sports scene in the 90’s is back, now coming at an affordable price of 100k. For 1/3rd the price of a Ferrari is a true supercar for the recession.The Nissan GTR dominated the Porsche 911 turbo in 2008 in the famous nurburgring race track by few seconds.THe GTR uses a 3.8 litre V6 engine which provides a lot of power and has good fuel economy;the competition uses a V8 and V10 engine to achieve this high horsepower and torque.The car that was new in 2008 has been refreshed now with more power and torque.All new for 2011 the Nissan GTR  comes with 530hp and 612nm of torque from 3200 to 6000rpm.The car...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mahindra Genio

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cars and their


RSV 1000 R



HONDA BLADE BY AHM JAKARTABeberapa waktu lalu saat Oto2 nampilin Honda Blade bikinan Lent dari Probolinggo, sempat salah seorang sohib dari media di Jakarta calling n ngobrol banyak. ngobrol modifikasi motor baru keluaran Honda ini n ujung-ujungnya ternyata paling banyak dimodifikasi di jawa timur. di ibu kota Jakarta sendiri (selain AHM) belum ada yang berani ngemodif (atau masih sembunyi ditumpukan jerami x…..) so ini ada beberapa referensi modifikasi yang bisa jadi inspirasi buat pecinta modifikasi Blade’r, simak…N buat yang ngerasa Bladenya pengin dijejerin disini boleh kirim fotonya ke otocustom@gmail.c...


“After we had launched the fourth generation of the YZF-R6 in 2006, I was often asked, what would be next.” Takeshi Higuchi, responsible for Product Planning in Europe smiles as he continues: ”The R6 can be used on the racetrack for competition without modifications. Most of the technical solutions we used come straight from our competition bikes.”Standing beside the new 2008 YZF-R6, which was just delivered by airfreight from the factory in Japan to the Yamaha headquarters in Amsterdam, Higuchi rests his elbow on the machines fuel tank and shares his experience: ”There is never an end to development. The super sport segment is extremely...

Honda Vario

SIMPLE MODIFICATIONS HONDA VARIO TECHNO With the ambition youth, Vario Techno anew launched by PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM), is an archetype adaptation modification are presented. Accessories "full-color" to this modification additionally has been prepared. A absolutely absorbing archetype of the modifications are focused on the blush game. There are several colors acclimated on a scooter, the red, white, blue, blooming and black. Games ablaze colors, like red, white, and dejected is not abandoned on the body. Additionally abutting to the fan engine, storm hot exhaust, wheels, and the rearview mirror. Including this modification abandoned is...

Yamaha Mio dan Honda Vario

Yamaha Mio dan Honda Vario google_protectAndRun("ads_core.google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad); #fullpost{display:inline;} Yamaha Mio dan Honda Vario Punya Kesamaan.COBA Anda cermati betul, apa yang sama dari Yamaha Mio CW 2005 dari Blitar (Jawa Timur) dan Honda Vario 2006 asal kota Hujan Bogor ini? Perhatikan desain sokbreker belakangnya. Kedua skuter bebek (skubek) ini menggunakan peredam kejut ganda pada satu sisi dan sama-sama terletak di sebelah kiri.Dari sisi modifikasi, Yamaha Mio milik Piluk Kharisma ini menyontek Yamaha Maxam. Sekalipun meniru, tapi garapan pemodifikator Eko Prasetyo dari Fog...

Honda Vario

Honda Vario Gagah Dengan Velg Daihatsu Xenia Selasa, 14/10/2008 | 06:54 WIB Ingin agar  sepeda motor dilirik atau menjadi perhatian kala dikendarai, tak harus dimodifikasi ekstrem. Dengan polesan sederhana pun bisa dilihat indah. Seperti Honda vario 2007 milik Raiz di Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat. Selain permainan warna dan skubek dibikin lebih sporty. Konsep yang sederhana, tapi jelas ini tidak menyulitkan sang pemodifikator, Robby Mangolang dari Studio 9 di Cileduk, Tangerang. Bodi Vario dibikin sporty , layaknya mobil dengan memakai spoiler depan dan belakang. Nah, untuk motor berlambang sayap mengepak ini penambahan body...

Yamaha Mio Soul

Yamaha Mio Soul (Philippines) ...

Yamaha Mio

Yamaha Mio Modifikasi Label: Automatic Motorcycle, Modifikasi, Yamaha Motorcy...

Yamaha Mio

Yamaha ...

"Represents Not So Much An Evolution As A True Revolution" - Ferrari

Ferrari has a replacement for the 612 Scaglietti, the FF. FF stand for four seats and four wheel drive. The FF will be Ferrari’s most powerful 4 seater and their first ever four wheel drive. The stats for the FF are very impressive as well. It has 6.3-litre V12 with direct injection. It produces 651bhp @ 8,000rpm and an impressive 683Nm at 6, will do 0-60 in 3.7 seconds, and a top speed of 208mph. The most impressive thing about the FF is the four wheel drive. It weighs 50% less than a conventional all wheel drive system. Ferrari claims it “delivers record levels of performance on all terrains and in all conditions”.I think...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Link Exchange

Kebanyakan para blogger profesional menganjurkan kepada blogger newbie seperti saya ini untuk banyak – banyak melakukan Tuker link dalam meningkatkan PageRank Google. Kenapa mereka menganjurkan untuk memanfaatkan tukar link dalam meningkatkan PageRank akan saya jelaskan di bawah Link merupakan salah satu kegiatan Timbal balik sesama blogger karena dengan bertukar link dengan sesama blogger diharapkan blog kita mendapatkan bantuan link popularitas di search engine khususnya google. Dengan manfaat tukar link link blog kita semakin populer dan semakin meningkat pula PageRank blog kita.Tapi sebenarnya manfaat tukar link bukan hanya untuk meningkatkan PageRank saja. Manfaat tukar link cukup banyak tapi salah satu manfaat dari tukar link yaitu meningkatkan PageRank. Dibawah ini manfaat tukar...

Street Warrior

capek juga pake bahasa orang...huffz, pake bahasa sendiri aja biar familier dan mudah. oh ya sob sampek lupa disini akan mengulas atau mereview tentang "STREET WARRIOR". jangan salah brother ini bukannya mobil yang sangat extreem modifikasi atau mobila yang bisa terbang atau mengeluarkan uang, ngibul deh gara-gara kebanyakan dapat uang dari mbah google....hehehehe.tapi disini adalah mobil yang akan banyak kita jumpai di Indonesia pada tahun 2011 ini brother, mobil yang akan banyak lalu-lalang dan sering nonggol, mungkin bagi agan-agan yang sudah senior mengeluti dunia blog bisa membeli salah satu mobil dibawah ini dengan kredit atau cass. wah...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Honda Vario

Honda VarioHonda Vario, Tampil Sporty dan Powerful. Satu-satunya Skuter Matic dengan Built In Colled Radioator sehingga mesin tetap dingin, lebih bertenaga, akselerasi lebih cepat, bahkan di tanjakan!  Honda Vario, perpaduan design modern dan warna atraktif dengan kecanggihan teknologi khas Honda. dengan V-Matic Technology, Vario mudah dikendarai, aman dan nyaman.Vario, Inilah skuter matic yang sesungguh...

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