Beginning in the ranks of the family of motor racing, who won the Honda motorcycle immediately of the year 2010 version of the Automobile Journalists Forum (FORWOT), New Mega Pro, dazzling on the Honda stand in contact thanks to the development of CMJ its shape.
The term of the Ultimate Street Fighter Mega Pro 150 new CB1000R has become like a big cc sports bike look was a huge and powerful.
The concept did not remove the change in DNA Mega new program even with Honda, said that real street fighter. But with implementation of appropriate after-market parts, the location, new Mega Pro is as if at last is CB1000R.
Front of the last lamp-post still warhead Pro with the default settings Mega new, so it still has the original look of Street Fighter. It's just that his arm a classic battle of Little Big was thick and Street.
Observed changes in the implementation of a landfill disadvantages with a slightly higher part of the Honda CBR 1000 calls in 2009. was increased in terms of adjustment of the shooting, the front with black rubber Bridgestone Battlax BT-003 120 / 60-17.
Mudur move the lighthouse, has a touch of his gas tank with the addition of preservatives, not only does the addition of custom accent Delta Box Street Fighter characters more and more on the beautiful and muscular.
Under the engine, put the engine cover, the perfection of living modified organisms in accordance with the concept has achieved.
From the middle of the back of the new Mega Pro significant changes have received. Stern is thin and stylish.
Sector, while the back legs, is the last Street Fighter pinch arm swing to CB VTECH Combined 200/50 Bridgestone Battlax - 17
Participation in the state Wannabe Honda CB1000R is very enthusiastic motor sport fans because of the country. In addition to providing an exciting show for CMJ 2010, its presence in the streets last of the fighters can be used as a reference New Mega Pro change of owners.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
NEW Honda Mega Pro Modification

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