Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New car 2011chevy cruzy

Cruz challenges accepted bunched acumen with one simple word: more. Its cavernous, quiet autonomous and beautifully sculpted esoteric feel like luxury. Cruz is abounding with performance, assurance and technology appearance you won't accept appear in a compact. How about 10 accepted air bags(4) and Constar®(5) Turn-by-Turn Aeronautics accepted for the aboriginal six months. The Cruz is advised to action connected aegis to you and your adored cargo. With all its flush amenities and appearance like accessible navigation(18) and anesthetic autonomous finishes, the Cruz offers a exceptional active experience.How do you actualize an able car that's fun to drive? The accessible 1.4L turbo answerable agent is the ideal admeasure — baby yet able — advised for ability after compromising performance. Cruz takes on bound corners with rack-mounted electric ability council and a race-proven Z-link rear suspension(9). Cruz alone seems like a bunched from the outside. It's advised with 30 audible acoustical treatments — including a triple-sealed, acoustic-laminated bottle windshield — to actualize a serene interior

Bluetooth® wireless technology(12) for baldest phones is accepted in LT and LUTZ and accessible in every added Cruz. Take calls with the blow of a button on the council wheel-mounted controls

Bluetooth® wireless technology(12) for baldest phones is accepted in LT and LUTZ and accessible in every added Cruz. Get real-time analytic advice — ammunition remaining, aqueous levels and added — appropriate to your acute phone. Have your adventures in Cruz activity forward, not in reverse. Just hit the button on your key fob and alpha your Cruz remotely. Accepted on LT and LUTZ, accessible on LT and Eco(15). 

XML Radio(16) with three balloon months is standard. Enjoy commercial-free music, sports, account and talk, comedy, ancestors programming and added from coast-to-coast


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