Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Car Sales Training on How to Close a Sale at an Unconscious Level

Car sales training focused on giving an attention grabbing sales presentation that closes the sale at an unconscious level.
Many car sales people hit the buyer with feature after feature. How boring. Is the customer going to buy a car because of a technical feature? How many of your buyer's can even identify engine parts, or care about the technical features? They are going to buy that car from you because you have shown them what the car will do for them. You have presented the benefits of the car, that match their wants, needs, and deep desires.
You know all the features of your cars. You want to show off your great knowledge in order to build credibility with your customer. But if you lose their attention you will not get them to that magic buying state. To move your customers to an emotional place where they are ready to buy you must know what they want, and give it to them in a way that fits into their view of the world.
They don't want a car
They want what the car will do for them. For some it will be a gleaming fashion accessory to attract admirers, and a sound system that is more important than the safety features. For others the car is a necessary tool, or a reliable means of transport. The buyer that cranks up the miles enjoying their leisure time will see a car from a different viewpoint than the daily commuter. The caring parent wants a safe way for the family to travel, and will benefit from in-car entertainment. While the rebelling student may want a unique statement on wheels that says who they are.
How are you going to meet that multitude of needs, wants, and desires, with technical features about a machine made of plastic and steel? The answer is, you're not. The features of the car are only ways of proving how the car gives the buyer the benefits. You have to relate those features and show how they will make real the pictures and feelings they have about the car they are going to buy.
Never assume to know what they want
The above examples are only possible buyer needs. Use your skills as a sales person to learn your customer's real needs. An important car sales training point is, the buyer may not be conscious of their real desires. Will that middle age man really admit to himself why he wants the sports car? He will tell you it's because he always wanted one, and only now can he afford it. The customer that tells you they are concerned about the environment may really be more worried about the cost of fuel. How many 4 X 4 off road owners ever drive over anything more than a speed control hump? Even with technical evidence that the gas guzzling 4 X 4 is not a safer vehicle to drive, many buyers still give safety as a reason why they drive one.
Great automotive sales training is about matching features of the car to the benefits the buyer really wants. The buyer wants to achieve an emotional feeling from their purchase. To understand those feelings, and identify how they will achieve them, the buyer makes internal pictures and holds internal dialogue. You find the surface needs, wants, and desires of the buyer, at the questioning stage of the sales process. But there are car sales techniques that help you get the deeper emotional triggers, and very few sales people become competent at using them.
Find the customer's real desires
What the buyer tells you they want may be only what they are willing to tell you, and are not their real desires. Beneath the surface communication will be deeper wants the customer has. For example, consider the business manager that wants a car that will project their high status to their staff. On the surface they may give you many reasons why they want a certain class of car. Reliability, image to customers, able to afford it, and many other reasons specific to them. The deeper reasons, of which they are consciously aware, could be that they want others to be envious, or to promote their own position. It could even be that they want to show off their wealth. It is unlikely that they will tell you this when you ask them what they want from a new vehicle. At an even deeper level there will be emotional benefits the buyer wants that are not fully within their conscious awareness. There will be benefits they want, their innermost desires, that they do not want to admit to themselves.
Back to the business manager that tells you they want a car that's reliable, looks appropriate for visiting customers, and is within their budget. They are not telling you about how they want to display their wealth and position to others at work. If we go even deeper into their wants needs and desires, we could find other benefits that will close the car sale at an almost unconscious level. What if you felt the business manager was really very insecure about their position. That the image they want the car to project was to build barriers with their staff. By asking about previous cars they have owned you feel they have come from a much lower income background. You read from their verbal, and non-verbal, communication that they need to be constantly proving themselves to others. Displaying a picture of their wealth and position to overcome their insecurities.
Take a new look at your car sales training
Now imagine the sales presentation you could give if you had that sort of knowledge about your customers. Take a new look at your car sales training. Yes, you need to have an expert knowledge about the technical details of the vehicles you sell. But you also need to know what questions to ask your customers, and how to read the deeper levels of meaning in their answers. What you are really looking for is their view of the world, their map of reality. Then you can show them how your car will fit into that view.
Let me give you a starting point. Why do you really drive the car that you currently have? Be honest with yourself. Look for some deeper thoughts and become more self aware. Then study family, friends and colleagues. Talk to them, look for inconsistencies. You're a sales person, you can read people. What is it about what the car does for them that lights up their face? Watch for the topics that leave them bored, or bring out the negative signs. This is a few simple paragraphs about people, not cars, and it could be the start of a whole new way of selling for you.
For more information on sales training focused on Car Sales Training go to http://www.sales-training-sales-tips.com/car-sales-training.html
Stephen Craine is a working sales manager and trainer for a major UK company. He uses his experience of sales, motivation training, NLP, and personal development coaching to achieve results for himself through the achievements of others in a sales environment.
All the sales training presented here, and on the website, has been tested and proved by working sales people in real sales situations. There are no acronyms, buzz words, or complicated techniques to market training courses. The focus is on practical sales training that achieves results.
Stephen has recently teamed up with a successful clicnical hypnotherapist in Manchester uk to offer sales and career coaching to private clients and small businesses. Combining the power of hypnosis to make personal changes and overcome obstacles, with the practical experience of a professional sales coach, offers a unique training resource.
The aim is to help anyone looking to increase sales results, develop their career, or prepare for job interviews. The coachng program can also be tailored for small businesses to give them access to resources usually only avialable to large organisations.
For more free sales training and sales skills information, and to see what else might be of interest to you or your company, visit the website at http://www.sales-training-sales-tips.com


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